Wednesday 11 March 2015

Quotations and Expectations

1. This is my child, he said. I wish a dead man's brains out of his hair. That is my job'

The first quotation symbolises the novel can represent the horror and thriller genre suggested in the words 'dead mans brains out of his hair'.  This suggests that the father is having to wash a dead mans brains out of his sons hair however this also shows elements and indications of a shooting or incident involving one man being killed in a tragic event. The key theme from this line shows death and sorrow through the shooting of the man and description of the child witnessing and feeling this event shows the tragic life in which these characters live. We see the father and child are shown to have depressing feelings as the father cleans the brains from his son's hair. although the father does this in order to care for his son we can also see the strong father and son bond which is represented through these characters and their actions. the father says 'that is my job' which indicates that he will look and care for his son no matter what consequences they may face and the fact he is cleaning the brains from his hair after this horrific event suggests the abnormal circumstances which are relevant in this novel however it also shows the bond they have by looking out for one another when there is no one else left.

2. Yes I am, he said. I am the one.

The phrase 'I am the one' can suggest elements of a scifi genre by this referring to being the chosen one. This also suggests elements of a supernatural and apocalyptic setting which is clearly shown in The Road. This also suggests his confidence and personality within his character by acting with confidence and reassurance in the unfamiliar surroundings though this could also suggest the character trying to reassure himself of the unknowing of events that could occur in the apocalyptic setting.

3.  Tomatoes, peaches, beans, apricots. Canned hams. Corned beef.
The language and rhythm of the writing changes here by using a lists of food to emphasise the excitement the man and child have in finding this after surviving on hardly anything though this also suggests the realisation of what little the man and child have and how seeing a small amount of food means a lot when surviving on the edge of death.

4. Are we still the good guys, he said
this suggests the boy feels unsure about some of the actions and surroundings of the apocalyptic world in which he lives in which makes the reader feel his emotions and sense of vulnerability in such a horrifying setting. it also makes the reader empathise with the father in this novel as we see they are all each other has and the strength of their bond and relationship helps them get through this hard and tough time.

5. We should go, Papa, he said. Yes, the man said. but he didn't.
in this quotation when the child asks to leave his father replies with a 'yes' however this is contradicted in the words 'but he didn't'. this suggests a deeper meaning in this father son bond as neither of them know the right decision in this apocalyptic and horror setting however it also makes the reader unsure as the sentence ends on a cliff hanger and is left unexplained. This could also suggest in this horror setting the father and his child are constantly left trying to escape from nowhere and their journey seems to be never ending.

6. The snow fell nor did it cease to fall.
the use of pathetic fallacy using weather to describe the dull and depressing mood of this novel suggests that the man and his child are suffering from freezing cold conditions and can not escape these. This links to the theme of isolation and being trapped in this depressing setting instead of being unable to escape. Similarly, as they can't escape the cold weather of the snow they are having to face it which makes the reader sympathise for these characters by living in unbearable conditions and settings.

7. Okay? okay.
The words okay are repeated a lot throughout the novel and are the most often used, this could be because the man is unsure of the situation or the consequences he might face later on his journey however the use of the word okay could suggest he is trying to reassure his son as well as reassuring himself.

8. They sat on the edge of the tub and pulled their shoes on them he handed the boy the pan and soap and he took the stove and the little bottle of gas and the pistol and wrapped in their blankets and they went back across the yard to the bunker.
This quotation suggests a happier and more energetic suggested in the listed tone of writing showing the excitement and happiness the man and boy feel after finding items they consider to be luxurious as they have been so used to living without. There is also a happier and more positive atmosphere as they have found soap to clean themselves and be warm and dry. Linking to this, by the lack of punctuation used and the long length of this sentence it suggests the length of time the man and his child have spent being unable to wash and wondering hopelessly in this horror apocalyptic world.

9. Tolling in the silence the minutes of the earth.
In this quotation the use of the words 'silence' and 'earth' in the same sentence suggests the eerie and unnatural atmosphere of the world. It also suggests there are not many people and gives the reader a glimpse of what life is like in this unnatural and apocalyptic world and society. The word 'silence' can also represent the little survivors in the world and relates to the theme of death which becomes a regular occurrence the man and his child witness while travelling along the road.

10. She was gone and the coldness of it was her final gift.
This links to the eerie and unnatural atmosphere of this world and the use of 'coldness' helps to emphasise and suggest the dullness and depressing surroundings of the world. Also, the words 'her final gift' can be used to suggest that the mans wife's death was seen as a gift rather than a loss to them as it allows his bond with his son to become stronger and that her departure made him realise how bad his life actually was. This line also helps to highlight the bad and negative mood within this section of the novel and makes the reader sympathise for the man and his child by witnessing and living dreadful sinister events.

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