Thursday 26 March 2015

The Woman in 'The Road'

In the novel 'The Road' McCarthy has added the character of the woman which is represented in a negative way by the fact she left her husband and son due to committing suicide. Through the mans flashbacks of this woman we see she is referred to as insignificant and has no importance in the novel in contrast to the man who has to be there for his son and look and care for him in a way his mother never did. The woman can also symbolise the elements of life and portrays the highs and lows which are shown in the mans memories as her however, she shows the temptation of death and how to escape the world in they lived. In contrast to the woman, the man realises he has responsibilities like taking care of his son although death would be the easier option. This could relate to why the man shows bitterness towards her memory as she left him and his son on their own despite her wanting to kill the boy and take him with her out of the misery and negativity of the world.

The man also describes the woman in the beginning of the flashback wearing 'a dress of gauze and her dark hair was carried up in combs of ivory, combs of shell. Her smile, her downturned eyes.'  This description of the woman suggests a more positive description the man has of her in contrast to other feeling he portrays further in the novel. This could reflect the happiness they once had and life they were about to share and by the reference to 'her smile' could suggest the positivity and happiness they once had.

Further along in the novel, the man reminisces about his wife again although the negativity and bitterness is more evident. He remembers back to when she was pregnant and 'stood in the doorway in her nightwear, clutching the jamb.' This could suggest the negativity in their relationship as the description appears dark and cold. Similarly, with the woman pregnant and standing in the doorway clutching onto an object it suggests that she is weak and unstable physically and mentally however, the mans reaction to this is unsupportive and unloving when in contrast his wife needs the support he is unwillingly giving to her.

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